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1. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; H I; William Marshall
  eBook : Document
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
2. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; H I; William Marshall
  Print book
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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3. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; H I; William Marshall
  Book   Microform : Microfilm : Master microform
London : Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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4. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; William Marshall; Henry Isaacson; H I
  Book   Microform : Microfilm
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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5. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; H I; William Marshall
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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6. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; H I; Henry Isaacson; William Marshall; EEBO - York University.
  Book   Microform : Microfilm : Master microform
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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7. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; William Marshall; Elizabeth Purslowe
  Print book
London : Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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8. Iacob's ladder consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Heiliger
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Heiliger; Henry Isaacson; H. I; William Marshall
  eBook : Document
[London] 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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9. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; H I; William Marshall
  eBook : Document
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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10. Iacob's ladder : consisting of fifteene degrees... by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint
by Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, Saint; Henry Isaacson; H I; William Marshall
  eBook : Document
[London] : 1638. London. Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe] for Henry Seile and are to be sould at the Tigres-head against St. Dunstans Church in fleetstreet
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