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      Název / autor Typ Jazyk Datum / vydání Publikace Knihovna
1. The Gospel as center : renewing our faith and... Autor: D  A Carson
Autor: D A Carson; Timothy Keller; Gospel Coalition.;
  Tištěná kniha
Wheaton, Illinois : Crossway
2. Gospel as center - renewing our faith and reforming... Autor: Timothy Keller
Autor: Timothy Keller;
  Tištěná kniha
Crossway Books
Knihovny WorldCat
3. The gospel as center : renewing our faith and... Autor: Donald A Carson
Autor: Donald A Carson; Timothy J Keller
  Tištěná kniha
Wheaton, Ill : Crossway
Knihovny WorldCat
4. The Gospel as Center : Renewing Our Faith and... Autor: D  A Carson
Autor: D A Carson; Timothy Keller; Reddit Andrews III; Thabiti M Anyabwile; Mike Bullmore; Bryan Chapell; Andrew Davis; Kevin DeYoung; J Ligon Duncan; Richard D Phillips; Philip Graham Ryken; Tim Savage; Colin S Smith; Sam Storms; Stephen T Um; Sandy Willson
  e-kniha : Document
Wheaton : Crossway
Knihovny WorldCat
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